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MSF Objective/Expertise 系所教育目標與專業能力指標


教育目標 Dept.'s Education Objectives

  1. 培育具備良好數量分析能力之管理人才。
    Cultivating management professionals with outstanding ability in quantitative analysis.

  2. 培育具備財務金融專業知識之人才。
    Cultivating professionals with finance-specific knowledge.

  3. 培育具備國際視野與外語溝通能力之人才。
    Cultivating professionals with a global vision and the ability in foreign-language communication.

  4. 培育具備決策分析與問題解決之技能的管理人才。
    Cultivating management professionals with knowledge and skills in decision analysis and problem solving.


學生專業能力指標 Basic Learning Outcomes

  1. 能以數量方法分析與解決問題。
    Using quantitative methods to analyze and solve problems.

  2. 具備財務金融領域之分析能力。
    Equipped with the ability to analyze finance.

  3. 能善用資訊科技進行資料分析、統整與呈現。
    Using information technology to analyze, integrate, and present data.

  4. 具備國際視野與專業外語能力。
    Equipped with a global vision and specialized foreign language proficiency.

  5. 具備掌握財經時事議題及研判財經趨勢之能力。
    Equipped with the ability to master topics of finance and economy, and other current news, and to diagnose financial and economic tendencies.

  6. 具備一般管理的基礎知識。
    Equipped with basic knowledge of management in general..