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103學年度 管理學院管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程學士班 課程規劃表


1.基礎學程(Foundation Program)(21.0學分)
2.核心學程(Core Program)(12.0學分)
1.專業選修學程(Elective Program)(45.0學分)
四、校核心課程 43.0 學分(語文9學分、體育4學分、服務學習2學分、選修核心課程28學分)
2.每學期應依課程規劃表上之課程修課,除前一學期專業科目平均成績在GPA3.7以上, 並經導師同意外,不得超過25學分。每學期本系學生修課不得少於6學分,延畢生例外。
3.本國際學士班主修學程包含:基礎學程(21學分)、核心學程(12學分)、及專業選修學程(45學分), 共78個必修學分需為全英語授課學分。通識必修學分(43學分) 及其它自由選修課程學分(7學分)合計50學分中,至多開放30學分得以中文授課學分認抵。
5.學士班學生,除修畢英語必修6學分外,需通過英語能力檢測:托福iBT測驗61分以上(紙筆托福TOEFL ITP 500分以上)/多益(TOEIC) 600 分以上/全民英檢(GEPT)中級複試或中高級初試以上/其他相對應之校內外英語能力檢定測驗,始達本校英語能力畢業標準。通過檢測之學生,須持成績證明至語言中心登錄。未通過者需加修2門通識英語必修或選修課4~6學分;此加修4~6學分亦可採計各院系所規劃且語言中心認可之全英語授課課程(請參考語言中心公告),惟加修之學分不計入通識語文領域12學分內,但會列入畢業總學分。學生於入學前二年內或修課期間,通過檢定測驗,原英語必修學群6學分,可採用英語必修學群或語文選修學群學分認列。

Courses Requirements:

1. Students must earn at least 128 credits, complete the following 3 programs and 43 credit units from the general education including the physical education to partially fulfill the requirement for a bachelor’s degree in Management Science and Finance. International students who have graduated from a high school (those who graduate from five-year secondary education programs) with equivalent credential are required to complete additional 12 credits on top of the 128 credits to qualify for a bachelor’s degree in Management Science and Finance (the additional 12 credits ar are not limited to classes within the three programs).

The three programs are:
【Foundation program】(21 credits)
【Core Program】 (12 credits)
【Elective Program】(45 credits )

2. Regulations:
(1)Students must maintain a GPA (3.7) average for the core to be eligible for taking courses more than 25 credits. All students must take no less than 6 credits each semester.
(2)Students must complete the three English-taught programs above, 78 credits in total. Among general education required credits (43) and the other elective credits (7), students are only allowed to
have no more than 30 Chinese- taught credits, while the rest credits must be English-taught credits.
(3)Students must complete Service Learning 1 and Service Learning 2 by graduation.
(4)Students must complete summative evaluation by graduation
(5)Senior student who going to take the graduate course must be agreed by the lnstructor and be approved by the department chairperson in advance.

3.In addition to required English course credits, students shall pass an accepted English language proficiency test for the graduation of a bachelor’s degree. The accepted English proficiency tests may include iBT-TOEFL scored 61 or above (TOEFL Paper-based test scored 500 or above), TOEIC Listening & Reading test scored 600 or above, Second Test of GEPT Intermediate Level, First Test of GEPT High-Intermediate Level, or any other English proficiency test at an equivalent or higher level. Those who do not pass an accepted English proficiency test shall complete 4 to 6 additional English course credits, which will not be counted in Languages category but will be in total credits. Students who pass one of the English proficiency tests listed above one year before registration or during course-taking period can apply for a waiver to the unfinished required English courses and take elective English courses in Languages category.
