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100學年度 管理學院管理科學與財金國際學士學位學程學士班 課程規劃表


一、本系學士班學生需滿足通識及學程相關規定,學分達 128.0 學分,方得畢業。
二、本系學士班主修學程 (major),包含下列各項:
1.基礎學程(Foundation Program)(21.0 學分)
2.核心學程(Core Program)(12.0 學分)
1.專業選修學程(Elective Program)(45.0 學分)
四、通識 43.0 學分 (含體育)

1. 本院管理科學與財金學士班學生須滿足專業必選修及通識相關規定,學分達 128 學分以上方得畢業。持海外中五生學制畢業生,以同等學力資格入學大學學士班者畢業學分數增加6學分,不限修本國際班課程。
2. 基礎學程最多可抵認 9 學分的通識學分 (以英語授課)。
3. 每學期應依課程規劃表上之課程修課,除前一學期專業科目平均成績在 GPA3.7 以上, 並經導師同意外,不得超 過 25 學分。每學期本系學生修課不得少於 6 學分,延畢生例外。
4. 本國際學士班主修學程包含:基礎學程 (21 學分)、核心學程 (12 學分)、及專業選修學程 (45 學分), 共 78 個必修學分 需為全英語授課學分。通識必修學分 (43 學分) 及其它自由選修課程學分 (7 學分) 合計 50 學分中,至多開放 30 學分得 以中文授課學分認抵。
5. 本 (100) 學年度入學之新生,需於畢業前修畢「服務學習 (一)」、「服務學習 (二)」兩門課程,全部通過者,始得 畢業。
6. 本系學士班學生,除修畢英語必修 6 學分外,需通過英語能力檢測:托福 iBT 測驗 61 分以上 (紙筆托福 TOEFL ITP 500 分以上)/ 多益 (TOEIC) 600 分以上 / 全民英檢 (GEPT) 中級複試或中高級初試以上 / 其他相對應之校外英語能力檢 定測驗,始達本校英語能力畢業標準。未通過英語能力檢測者,需加修 2 門通識英語必修或選修課 4~6 學分。 學生於修課前一年內或修課期間通過檢定測驗,原英語必修學群 6 學分,可採用英語必修學群或語文選修學群學 分認列。

Courses Requirements:

1. Students must earn at least 128 credits, complete the following 3 programs and 43 credit units from the general education including the physical education to partially fulfill the requirement for a bachelor’s degree in Management Science and Finance. International students who have graduated from a high school (those who graduate from five-year secondary education programs) with equivalent credential are required to complete additional 6 credits on top of the 128 credits to qualify for a bachelor’s degree in Management Science and Finance (the additional 6 credits are not limited to classes within the three programs).

The three programs are: 
【Foundation program】(21 credits) 
【Core Program】 (12 credits) 
【Elective Program】(45 credits )

2. Regulations: (1)No more than 9 credits of Foundation Program can be used to substitute general education. (2)Students must maintain a GPA (3.7) average for the core to be eligible for taking courses more than 25 credits. All students must take no less than 6 credits each semester. (3)Students must complete the three English-taught programs above, 78 credits in total. Among general education required credits (43) and the other elective credits (7), students are only allowed to have no more than 30 Chinese- taught credits, while the rest credits must be English-taught credits. (4)Students must complete Service Learning 1 and Service Learning 2 by graduation.

3. In addition to required English course credits, students shall pass an accepted English language proficiency test for the graduation of a bachelor’s degree. The accepted English proficiency tests may include iBT-TOEFL scored 61 or above (TOEFL Paper-based test scored 500 or above), TOEIC Listening & Reading test scored 600 or above, Second Test of GEPT Intermediate Level, First Test of GEPT High-Intermediate Level, or any other English proficiency test at an equivalent or higher level.Those who do not pass an accepted English proficiency test shall complete 4 to 6 additional English course credits. students who pass one of the English proficiency tests listed above one year before registration or during course-taking period can apply for a waiver to the unfinished required English courses and take elective English courses in Languages category.

