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【選課相關/About Course Selection】104-2課表/2016 Spring Course Timetable

【選課訊息/Information of Course Selection

  「企業策略與分析」課程目前在課規中為四上的專業選修課程,因有開課人數門檻的疑慮,欲選修的同學可於網路初選期間(2015/12/14~12/24)在選課系統中點選企管系國際碩士班的此門課程 (課號:BM_M0270)


If you are a senior and you want to select "Business Strategies and Analyses" (course number: BM_M0270), please click "Department of Business Administration (graduate institute)" to select it by the course selection system during 2015/12/14~12/24. In order to check the 3 credits for "Business Strategies and Analyses" will be included in MSF Elective Program, please finish the student report (,r2561-1.php) and send to MSF office. Thank you!

