The courses of General Education Center for International Student
通識中心課程 國際學士班
The courses of General Education Center for International Student
1. 100.12.21.--101.01.02.為網路初選時間,請同學於網路選課時完成華語課程選課。
If you are going to enroll Chinese or other Course for 2012 Spring semester, please do the “Course Preliminary Selecting for Next Semester” online during 2011.12.21 to 2012.01.02. The course information please check “Course Catalog” system as following link:
1. Academic year/ Semester: 100 / 2
2. College: Committee for General Education
3. Department: General Education International Student
4. Degree: General Education International Student
5. Search(English)
There are classes information you.
2. 101.02.29.-- 101.03.05.為網路加退選時間,同學仍可在網路上自行選課。
Students can add/drop course online during 2012.02.29. to 2012.03.05.. Please double check your schedule to make sure it is correct. If the class is not full, you still can enroll it online during the days.—101.03.13.為人工加簽時間,請向授課教師索取加簽單,於規定時間內完成加簽作業。
When the class is full and you are still eager to take it, please acquire the permission from the teacher and ask for the “Add Course Requests” from him/her. Have all the process done during 2012.03.07. to 1012.03.13.—101.05.04為期中退選時間,退選規定請洽尋所屬系所。
2012.04.09 to 2012.05.04 is the last chance to withdrawal your course. However, there are some limitation about that. Please check your department .
請同學在選課前確定課程內容及時間,如有其它因素要退選或改選其它班級,請在 ”學校行事曆” 規定時間內完成。
Before enrolling your classes for 2012 Spring semester, please make sure the course information. If you want to switch your class, please following the NDHU Spring 2012 Academic Calendar for Students” and achieve it before the last day. Thank you.
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