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【轉知】“Taiwan Excellence: Sharing Is Caring” 經濟部國際貿易局「愛無界 台灣精品」全球公益提案活動


Taiwan Excellence launches the "Taiwan Excellence: Sharing is Caring" philanthropic events in 2021 to openly solicit proposals for philanthropic events on issues relating to social concerns and environmental protection. The proposers are to propose philanthropic events for the countries of their nationalities. After the best proposals are selected by a professional selection committee, the contest organizers will commission third parties to conduct the events, while the proposers shall provide consultation and assistance to facilitate the events in order to jointly spread hospitality and express the regard of Taiwanese enterprises to the world as a member of the global village.
Proposals will be accepted from September 1 to October 31, 2021.
Proposals must be submitted by 23:59, October 31, 2021, GMT+8.
Prize for the Best Proposals: Each of the three best proposals will be
awarded US$10,000 prize money.
台灣精品在 2021 年發起「愛無界 台灣精品」公益活動,以全球關心的兩個議題「社會關懷」與「環境保護」,公開徵求全球民眾提案。由提案人就其國籍所在地,提出相關公益提案,經由專業評審委員團選出之最佳提案,由活動主辦單位出資委託第三人執行,提案人配合提供諮詢及協助,共同促成愛心傳遞,善盡台灣企業身為地球村㇐份子的心意。
報名時間: 自 2021 年 9 月 1 日起至 10 月 31 日止,臺灣時間 23:59 截止收件。
最佳提案獎之獎金:計 3 案,每㇐最佳提案,可獲得獎金 1 萬美元。