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【轉知】2020 第七屆企業社會責任領航計畫-秋季行動 2020 The 7th CSR Caption Program - Autumn Action
【轉知】2020 第七屆企業社會責任領航計畫-秋季行動
報名時程: 即日起至10月13日(二) 中午12:00
參加對象: 大專院校大學部或研究所之本國籍學生及外國籍學生
Event Timeline: Registration closing on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 12:00pm. All registrations are online.
Eligibility: Undergraduate and postgraduate students from universities in Taiwan are eligible (local and international students). Participants must come from a minimum of 2 nationalities (such as 2 Taiwanese, with 2 Malaysians, etc.). The host advises at a minimum of 1 Taiwanese student per team.
Registration Form:
Registration Guideline:

